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The uni­verse.

It’s the only home we’ve ever known. Thank­s to its in­trins­ic phys­ic­al laws, the known con­stant­s of nature, and the heavy-​metal-spewing fire­ball­s known as su­per­novae we are little tiny be­ing­s held fast to a spin­ning ball of rock in a dis­tant corner­ of space and time. Doesn’t it seem a little rude not to know much about the uni­verse itself?

The uni­verse. It’s the only home we’ve ever known. Thank­s to its in­trins­ic phys­ic­al laws, the known con­stant­s of nature, and the heavy-​metal-spewing fire­ball­s known as su­per­novae we are little tiny be­ing­s held fast to a spin­ning ball of rock in a dis­tant corner­ of space and time. Doesn’t it seem a little rude not to know much about the uni­verse itself?

The typography presentation

Another title, the css class for the titles

.big Another title

.norm Not the classic current text

.small For exclusive small texts

.small .green For exclusive small texts

(no class .body font) Current text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae ipsum non nisl maximus ornare in rhoncus lorem. Nulla ornare massa tortor, id placerat dui efficitur vulputate.

.med Another medium text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

.med .green Another medium text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

.lightgreen Current text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae ipsum non nisl maximus ornare in rhoncus lorem. Nulla ornare massa tortor, id placerat dui efficitur vulputate.

.lightgreen It’s all about time

.med .green Another medium text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.